July 31, 2015
Lutz Bacher, Gaylen Gerber, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Siera Hyte, D'Ette Nogle, Puppies Puppies
June 26 - July 31, 2015
— Press Release
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Puppies Puppies
Flags, 2015
Two Japanese flags
Puppies Puppies
Flags, 2015
Two Japanese flags
Puppies Puppies
Flags, 2015
Two Japanese flags
Puppies Puppies
Lion, 2015
Performance, lion mascot costume
Puppies Puppies
Lion, 2015
Performance, lion mascot costume
Siera Hyte
Eva, 2015
3 × 1.5 inches (7.62 × 3.81 cm)
Siera Hyte
Eva, 2015
3 × 1.5 inches (7.62 × 3.81 cm)
Gaylen Gerber
Support, n.d.
Oil paint on souvenir from Eggs, 2014 by Darren Bader
Dimensions variable
D’Ette Nogle
For All The Artists [Work (A-Version)], 2015
Single channel video
35 minutes, 53 seconds
D’Ette Nogle
For All The Artists [Work (A-Version)], 2015
Single channel video
35 minutes, 53 seconds
Siera Hyte
For the Eternal Optimist, 2013
Lottery ticket
4 × 4 inches (10.16 10.16 cm)
Gaylen Gerber
Support, n.d.
Oil paint on souvenir from Eggs, 2014 by Darren Bader
Dimensions variable
Felix Gonzalez-Torres
“Untitled” (Ross), 1991
Candies individually wrapped in various colors, endless supply
Overall dimensions vary with installation
Ideal weight: 175 lbs
Felix Gonzalez-Torres
“Untitled” (Ross), 1991
Candies individually wrapped in various colors, endless supply
Overall dimensions vary with installation
Ideal weight: 175 lbs
Lutz Bacher
Huge Uterus, 1989
VHS transfer to digital video, color/sound; monitor and speakers
6 hours; installation dimensions variable
Lutz Bacher
Huge Uterus, 1989
VHS transfer to digital video, color/sound; monitor and speakers
6 hours; installation dimensions variable